Celebrating all mothers

We now have more working mothers at Beyond than ever before, so we asked a few of them to share their thoughts on what it means to be “mom” or “mum” and working professional.

May 12, 2023
4 min read
4 min read
May 12, 2023

As we take a moment to celebrate mothers everywhere, we realize it has never been more important for women and mothers to share their voices. We now have more working mothers at Beyond than ever before, so we asked a few of them to share their thoughts on what it means to be “mom” or “mum” and working professional.

We’ve got each others’ backs

“Despite my nearly decade-long experience as a fur-mama and step-mama to two, nothing quite prepared me for becoming a mama to my own little one eight months ago. Luckily, there were four other women from the UK studio on parental leave at the same time, and it’s been such a joy to have fellow mamas on a similar journey around me.

Now, as I’ve returned to work, I’m embracing the new dynamics of being a working mum one day at a time. Having the right support at home and at work has been vital to my success both in my job as a mum and a designer.”

“Our flexible working environment has been instrumental in allowing me to balance my professional responsibilities with cherished one-on-one time with my son.”

Jade Fitzgerald

Experience Design Director

A mother and child holding hands and walking along the seaside.

Boundaries are key

“Ten years into motherhood, I have now tried every type of working model — full time, part time, contract, you name it. But as time goes on, the key for me is about setting boundaries: I have clear working times and clear family times. The minute I try to run an important call while my kids are roaming around under my care, my stress levels hit the roof. This model also makes me way more productive, I tend to work more quickly and efficiently so I can be fully present at whichever sport my child is into that week.

That said, I don’t know a working mother out there who has not had to put ‘Frozen’ on and hope for the best from time-to-time…”

Francesca Kimbell, Marketing and Business Development Advisor

Your calendar is queen

“In my ongoing adventure through the bleary and glorious journey of motherhood, I’ve learned the power of the calendar. Especially in a remote-first environment, managing my calendar has become an essential tool for not just setting and maintaining boundaries, but also demystifying the various elements that go into being a working mom. I’ve learned to not be afraid to put in my daughter’s doctor appointments or my own, or to block out time for pumping or bedtime rituals.

Clearly sharing where I’m spending my time enables others to better understand and empathize with the mental load of a working mom and also empowers other moms to do the same. Of course, the amazing women at Beyond who were moms before me gave me this advice when I was returning to work, and it’s been a powerful way to juggle all the joys of life.”

“Clearly sharing where I’m spending my time enables others to better understand and empathize with the mental load of a working mom, and also empowers other moms to do the same.”

Molly McGaughan

Managing Director, NA

A mother and daughter walking on a cobblestone road

Leading the conversation

“Returning to work after parental leave can be a stressful time for mothers for a number of reasons. As a mom of two tots, I knew I would not be able to return to work and operate at the same capacity and schedule that I had been for the last several years — something needed to change.  The best thing I did was educate myself on the options for flexible working schedules and advocate for what I needed to be successful at work without sacrificing special mama time.”

Heather Shelton, Head of Program Management

Being present in the moment

“My biggest challenge by far in becoming a new mom has been accepting that my time is no longer my own. Striking that balance between baby, work, husband, ‘me time’ — the list goes on — has been a real struggle to say the least.

That being said, it has really forced me to be present in each moment and take control of my time to invest it where it truly matters. Embracing those little moments where I can enjoy a cup of coffee, play with my son, or catch up with a colleague or friend can really make a difference.”

Kate Bonanno, Associate Program Director

Setting a precedent

“The most impactful moment I’ve had as a working mother was when a person who I manage came back from her own parental leave, and we met to discuss her needs for returning to work. I asked how she was feeling, and she told me that she actually felt prepared to reintegrate as a working mother having watched me do it with my son the year before.

In that moment, I realized that even as I was struggling internally with guilt, drawing boundaries, and just generally being a new mom, I was also setting a positive external example for those that came after me just by being present.  From that moment on, I vowed to be loud about my work/life choices and try to normalize all the ups and downs of the journey of motherhood.”

“I hope all women who decide to take on motherhood will give themselves permission to be loud about their work/life choices, if not for themselves, then for those who are taking notes for their own futures.”

Denise Zocchi

Program Director

A mother and daughter walking along a rocky shoreline. There are mountains in the background.

Moms = Superheroes

“Over the years, I’ve helped countless moms prepare for parental leave, but it wasn’t until I went through it myself that the weight of this milestone hit me. I have loved my career and who it has shaped me to be, but I have loved becoming a mother even more.

We each have our own set of challenges when returning to work, whether it’s childcare, breastfeeding, feeling mom guilt over returning, or finding your balance. When you’re returning to work, voice your needs to your team and ask for help when you need it! I’ve learned that people are willing to support you, but it’s up to you to say what you need.  Working moms have taught me that all mamas are superheroes who wear different capes, and I have such a respect for each one.”  

Kristine Medina, People & Culture Director

To all the different types of mothers out there — soon-to-be-mothers, stepmothers, grandmothers, foster mothers, pet mothers, mothers-at-heart, godmothers — we wish you a peaceful and very happy Mother’s Day.